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Disclaimer :- Airlinetickedesk (A Divison of Dallas AirlinesTicket Desk Pvt Ltd India And NSR TRAVEL INC USA) is an independent online travel company and is unrelated to any third party.We are a participant in the Travelpayouts(Aviasales) Affiliate Network Work on our website to encourage visitors to book hotels and other travel services. Travelpayouts Affiliate Network Work is affiliate program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn commission by advertising and linking to Travelpayouts. Travelpayouts is a cost-per-action affiliate program, so our revenue depends solely on the number of tickets purchased/hotels booked, not the number of clicks made on our affiliate links. We use Google ads services to bring traffic to our site and strictly follow Google Ads policies Google’s advertising requirements can be summed up by Google’s Advertising Principles. They are put in place to provide a positive experience for users.